Calcium from Milk
Strengthen your bones with MilkCa.
Because it's made from milk, the body benefits from higher calcium absorption.
Now, everybody can get the goodness of milk in a capsule!
Available in bottles of 120 capsules and 60 capsules.
Suggested Retail Price :
P765/bottle (60 capsules)
P1,530/bottle (120 capsules)
Why Take Calcium Supplements?
Before we get into the benefits of MilkCa, let’s discuss why most can’t get all our calcium from our foods.
Ideally, this would be the best way to do it. But the truth is that most of us will benefit from calcium supplements, and this is why you see such a large section in drugstores selling calcium supplements.
Medical practitioners who say you don’t really need to take calcium supplements if you are eating properly, may as well say that people do not need to wear seat belts if we all drove properly. Most doctors know this and have written many prescriptions for calcium.
• The National Institute of Health (the U.S. department of health of human services) believes that a huge percentage of people are not meeting currently recommended guidelines for optimal calcium intake.
• Clearly, many of us are not getting enough calcium. The time to take care of osteoporosis is when you are in you are 30, not when you’re 70 years old and are scrambling to regain what’s already been lost to prevent osteoporosis.
• Dietary calcium requirements on a per weight basis is the highest in children and adolescents.
Why is Taking a Calcium Supplement so Important?

Besides the obvious importance of calcium in the health of bones, teeth and gums, calcium is also involved in many functions, including:
• Blood pressure control
• Proper blood clotting
• Enzyme activation
• Nerve transmission
• Cholesterol regulation
• Hormone function
Why take MilkCa as a calcium supplement?
• MilkCa is the solution to BALANCED bone health.
The main minerals and elements involved in bone health are:
CALCIUM: 99% found in bones. Integral part of bone structure.
PHOSPHOROUS: 85% bound to skeleton. Supports building bones.
MAGNESIUM: 66% found in bone. Enhances density of bones.
POTASSIUM: Helps maintain density of bones.
ZINC: co-factor for bone mineralization and collagenase structure.
IRON: Co-factor for collagen synthesis. Contributes to density of bones.
COPPER: Influences collagen maturation. Contributes to strength of bones.
21 minerals, including calcium, are essential for normal human growth and metabolism. All 21 minerals are found in milk, making milk the premier natural source of essential minerals.
What is so different about MilkCa? We could say that this is the way nature intended us to absorb calcium -- from MilkCa, real calcium from milk -- because milk is our first, our original source of calcium.
MilkCa contains dairy ingredient that contains milk minerals including calcium and permits tailoring other foods products and supplements to have a mineral profile similar to milk. "Foods naturally containing calcium, in particular dairy foods and ingredients, are the best sources of calcium." (Source: Whey Products, Milk Minerals and Dairy Calcium, New findings, benefits and applications." Edited by Dr. D. DiRienzo, Vice President, Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council)
• Because it is a mineral complex in the exact proportion of our bone composition.
Mineral Bone MilkCa CalciumCitrate
Calcium 25% 24% 21%
Phosphorus 12% 12.5% 0%
Magnesium 0.37% 1.5% 0%
Potassium 0.7% 0.8% 0%
Zinc 0.009% 0.008% 0%
Copper 0.0005% 0.0004% 0%
Here’s why MilkCa is so different:
What’s in other calcium products? There are several possibilities:
• The most common ingredients are salts of calcium, which include calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate and others.
• Some sources include crushed up horse bones or even crushed up oyster shells, both of which carry potential contamination with toxic substances like lead or mercury.
Source: Milk Calcium for Osteoporosis, by Jimmy Gutman, MD, FACEP, for Immunotec Research